This year was the year.
What is a Frag Farmer's Market you ask?
'Inspired by the idea of the the reef club frag swap, the New England Frag Farmer's represents a regional event with "farmers" from all over New England gather to sell their home grown "crop." The E.O. Smith Coral Project opens the doors to the school for any local hobbyist, retail or online store to come in and set-up a tank to sell coral frags. Admission is free, so anyone can come in and chat with the farmers, share information and get a few nice homegrown frags to stock their tanks.' (
Chris grew out his corals for months waiting for this day.
We made cute little shelves to go in each bucket we brought and made plenty of our own water to bring with us. We noticed a lot of people have issues when using the water donated (slimed up corals, no polyp extension and cloudy tanks). We made lists, more lists and then double and triple checked each one. We even had lists of corals on our lists! We were ready.
The morning of we woke up bright and early and started the transition of putting all the frags into the buckets. We had our oldest daughter come with us in order to help with the crowds and off we went, tank, lights, coral, water, cords...the kitchen sink :)
(photo courtesy of Rich Hogan)
This is our set-up. Nifty right? Even with the old metal halide instead of LED's like everyone else was using, our corals popped with color and the polyp extension was crazy!!
(photo courtesy of Rich Hogan)
And we were busy!!!
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(photo courtesy of Rich Hogan) |
As were many others...
(photo courtesy of Rich Hogan)
(photo courtesy of Rich Hogan)
(photo courtesy of Rich Hogan)
At the end of the day we chatted a bit with Greg Hiller who had a booth next to ours. Chris gave him a piece of red dragon. I wouldn't have only because he kept saying "Red dragon, red dragon, red dragon!" in a childlike sing-songy voice every time someone came over and started talking about ours. He wanted a piece to try in his tank but, refused to pay the amount we were asking which was far cheaper than anyone elses at the swap that day. Chris does stuff like that all the time.
(photo courtesy of Lisa Messier)
(photo courtesy of Lisa Messier)
We donated a dollar of every coral we sold to the Lutz Tank too. We tried to get more people on board with the idea however, only one reefkeeper saw me when I went over to Ron to give him the money and he came over and matched our donation. Maybe next year...
Seventy percent of what we took home that day went to me for the wedding. I did use some of the cash to pay some bills but, the rest was squirreled away until certain vendors were found!
We plan on attending again this upcoming year (2014) and can't wait! Those funds will all go towards the wedding too so if you see us remember to stop by! :)
Until next time....don't blow your bank account, practice safe reef buying until the FFM! ;)
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