Sunday, January 13, 2013

Presentation for CTARS (with a brief tank update)

     Life does nothing but seem to get in my way. Four kids, three dogs, boyfriend with an incredibly large tank...need I say more? Chris has been asking me to update my blog pretty much since the day after my last entry and I feel terrible that I haven't however, we have been relentlessly busy not to mention I had surgery that kept me miserable for quite some time. More than usual some would say...

     Despite my excuses, here I am, trying desperately to make up for my lack of enthusiasm with my blog and I'm posting something! Aren't you excited? I can't possibly post anything about how the tank is doing NOW though...I have to try to think back a bit and catch everyone up, right? 

     After our disaster you have to expect that we lost our fair share of corals and fish as I stated but, we immediately began to rebuild. First thing we did is go out and buy a new Elvis for the kids and a school of Chromis. We named our new Elvis Priscilla, there was no replacing our old Elvis and it was the same size as the chromis and swam in the school with them for quite some time. We called it a Homie Chromie for a while could barely notice the difference! It was too cute. There was one birdsnest that went completely white but kept it's zooxanthellae so we just sat and waited to see if it would come back. Because of all the rushing to get the tank built we found little leaks for a while but, for the most part the crisis was over and we were enjoying it again in a matter of no time. It just seemed really empty. 

     So, on April 2nd Chris and I went to our youngest daughter's class and did a presentation on corals. It was another nice break away from the tank at the moment and we couldn't have had more fun! I really wish I had brought my camera and asked the teacher to take pictures that day. We were worried that the kids would be bored with our short PowerPoint so we gathered up all the coral we had that now resides in our bathroom as decor and brought that out first for all the kids to pass around. Immediately these little fifth graders came out with questions that Chris and I don't even hear adults ask at our CTARS meetings! They were amazed by everything and soooo well behaved! They all held the coral like it was fine china and listened to the PowerPoint until it was done and then asked a ton more questions. Chris and I thought we would be there for thirty minutes...we were pushing our way out two hours later! 

     The presentation at the school would prove to be a better experience than dealing with a grown adult and we would soon find this out. The President of CTARS (a man I have grown to call Ego) called Chris and asked him for suggestions for club meetings and if we could at all do any presentations for him as well. Chris told him of a few that we could do and he picked Aquascaping for us to present at the May 20th meeting because Chris told him about this cement and rock-work we had just done in our tank. Not a problem! We went to Kyle's house one night to see his tank and talk about ours and he willingly gave some of his live rock to us to use in the presentation and we had the cement, all I had to do was put together a PowerPoint. 

     Over the weeks Chris had trouble getting in touch with Ego and we began to get worried that he wasn't going to have the projector at the meeting because during one brief conversation with Chris, Ego had mumbled something about it possibly being broken. I was spending a long time on this PowerPoint (does anyone know how much those things really suck to put together) and if we didn't have a way to show it, we didn't have a presentation. There was only one thing to do...substitute it ourselves! 

     We showed up to the Lutz Children's Museum early (as all good speakers should do) with our donated live rock, EMaco concrete and epoxy, containers for mixing, rubber gloves, blocks of wood, our laptop, the PowerPoint on a disk and....our 48 inch flat screen television from our bedroom. Yup! That's right...we did that! Good thing too because the damned President not only showed up near the END of our presentation but, he had the audacity to interrupt the presentation, dropped a few pieces of live rock on the table and then announced that ALL the live rock was donated by some woman! WHAT?! Who?! What the hell is going on here? And before we were ever even finished, he interrupted again to start selling raffle tickets and that was pretty much the end of our presentation. To top it all off, the asshole made some sort of sexist comment to me about wives and tanks and, I don't know...had he bothered to actually show up on time for the meeting, he would have heard me explain that I was the one that wanted our tank to begin with....sheesh! 

     The turnout for this presentation was huge however and I'm glad that it was. I hope to this day that everyone enjoyed it. To anyone reading this as it was posted, Chris and I are presenting our Aquascaping demo for the Ocean State Reef Aquarium Society this coming February 2013 if your interested in checking it out! Keep yourself posted by checking or by liking them on Facebook! 

Answering Questions

Creations Made During Presentation, Then Raffled

One of the Raffled Rock Creations (Members Only)

The Tank in May 2012

     (On a side note - and I MUST make this note - CTARS is a wonderful club to be a part of. It is now under a new Board of Directors and I feel it will make great strides into becoming what it once was with these new people. However, this is MY blog and 2012 was a rough prepared to read what I have to say.)